I keep them hooked

I keep them hooked

You want to hook them too?

You want to hook them too?

Sample Work


1.25M subscribers

Your work is really good and the quality of editing is high!


1.25M subscribers

Your work is really good and the quality of editing is high!


1.25M subscribers

Your work is really good and the quality of editing is high!

Diamond Plays

50K subscribers

The Best Graphics Ever!!! And W Guy!!!

Diamond Plays

50K subscribers

The Best Graphics Ever!!! And W Guy!!!

Diamond Plays

50K subscribers

The Best Graphics Ever!!! And W Guy!!!

Creators I've worked with

Creators I've worked with


1.25M subscribers


1.25M subscribers


502K subscribers


502K subscribers


434K subscribers


434K subscribers


326K subscribers


326K subscribers


268K subscribers


268K subscribers


97K subscribers


97K subscribers


50K subscribers


50K subscribers


6.34K subscribers


6.34K subscribers

Testimonials (4)

  • RFG

    434K subscribers

    Sye is a great editor and meets my turnaround deadlines! :)

  • JayWayyGaming

    6.34K subscribers

    Sye is an incredibly detailed editor. He has a great understanding of storytelling and knows how to create a fantastic video from start to finish. His editing skills are exceptional, and he consistently delivers a perfect product.

  • DiamondPlays

    50K subscribers

    The Best Graphics Ever!!! And W Guy!!!

  • ClayK

    97K subscribers

    It was only our first vid together and trust me I still liked what you did! Especially in the intro!

  • RFG

    434K subscribers

    Sye is a great editor and meets my turnaround deadlines! :)

  • JayWayyGaming

    6.34K subscribers

    Sye is an incredibly detailed editor. He has a great understanding of storytelling and knows how to create a fantastic video from start to finish. His editing skills are exceptional, and he consistently delivers a perfect product.

  • DiamondPlays

    50K subscribers

    The Best Graphics Ever!!! And W Guy!!!

  • ClayK

    97K subscribers

    It was only our first vid together and trust me I still liked what you did! Especially in the intro!

  • ClayK

    97K subscribers

    It was only our first vid together and trust me I still liked what you did! Especially in the intro!

  • DiamondPlays

    50K subscribers

    The Best Graphics Ever!!! And W Guy!!!

  • JayWayyGaming

    6.34K subscribers

    Sye is an incredibly detailed editor. He has a great understanding of storytelling and knows how to create a fantastic video from start to finish. His editing skills are exceptional, and he consistently delivers a perfect product.

  • RFG

    434K subscribers

    Sye is a great editor and meets my turnaround deadlines! :)

  • ClayK

    97K subscribers

    It was only our first vid together and trust me I still liked what you did! Especially in the intro!

  • DiamondPlays

    50K subscribers

    The Best Graphics Ever!!! And W Guy!!!

  • JayWayyGaming

    6.34K subscribers

    Sye is an incredibly detailed editor. He has a great understanding of storytelling and knows how to create a fantastic video from start to finish. His editing skills are exceptional, and he consistently delivers a perfect product.

  • RFG

    434K subscribers

    Sye is a great editor and meets my turnaround deadlines! :)

Created by @PalatiumDev

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